
Catalog Order Form ...Coming Soon.

Hey everyone, ok, so I know you've probably checked out the catalog I have for download of all my print and product options right? ...Oh...you haven't? Tsk tsk...well here, click this link ---> www.exelmanagementonline.com/epcatalog2012.pdf
....ok....no seriously click it....

....ok, so there's tons of goodies in there, but how do you order? Well, for a while people had to email me or call in their order...well not for much longer. I've been working hard at designing an online order form for everything I offer. Its hard work, yes, but will allow you to pick your items and options, get your subtotal and then ill be able to either send you an invoice to your email, or for those who in the past have paid by mailing a check, I can send them a bill and they can pay that way.

I'm working hard, so you don't have to! :)

Alan Lee


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